Sunday 29 March 2015

My maths goal

I have just practiced my new math goal it is doubles and halves to 20

Thursday 26 March 2015

My Writing Goal

My goal is to write sentenses that have different beggings.This goal will help me to think to myself what different beggings. These activities will help me to achieve my goal write to self workshop ask an expert work on writing white bord  word work. I will know I have achieved this goal when I have seen the teacher share with somebody else friend find how many sentencs starters there are in my story.

My Reading Goal

My math goal is to cross check as I read  does it look right does it sound right and does it make sense. This goal will help me to work out or go back and think does it look right  does it sound right and does it make sense. So that I understand  what I read and learn new words.These activities will help me to achieve my goal read to self -cross check bookmark read to someone-use sticky notes and go back and think again.I will  know I have achived my goalwhen I have confrenced with the teacheror an expert or a friend that nows my goal.

My Math Goal

my math goal is reading fractions.This goal will help me to half things in quarters and reading  fractions  off bye haert. These activities will help me to achieve my goal studyladder the fraction tot tray white bourd teach someone else learning blog. I will know I have achieved this goal when I have checked with the teacher or an expert or a friend.

COPE Award

I got a cope award on Friday it was my first cope award of 2015 I felt so happy once they called my name out. I was thrilled that I got it I AM AMAZING!

Wednesday 25 March 2015


This is my math goal I just wrote it on the white bourd on 25/3/15 my goal is reading fratcions I practice my doubles too because I  like catching up on  other math so that I remember it.