Sunday 13 August 2017

My Passion Project

my passion project is to make a dress because I am very creative so this is what I am going to do.

I have a cousin to help me he is hoping to be a fashion designer. he makes women's dresses because apparently, men's clothing is much harder to make than womens. I will be taking sewing classes with my mum so that I will be able to put the dress together myself. we've got at the home of my nanas so I am really excited to use it. the brand for the dress I am going to make is The Daisy Dress. I was going to call it The Maxi Dress but I thought The Daisy dress suits it more.

at the moment it's only part 2 and we are pitching our idea to a group of people.

I will be posting another post on how it's going and I will put some photos up