Tuesday 5 July 2016

Show Not Tell

Through the past weeks I have been going to workshops on show not tell. Which means say if you have got to write about the forest you wouldn’t say I heard people walking behind me. That’s not show not tell because you’re telling the reader that someone was walking behind you. So you have  actually got to show the reader not tell the reader so we will turn that little sentence into I heard footsteps creeping up to me. I just showed you what happened not told you what happened. I think it’s better when you write a story and you use show not tell because probably the reader gets more interested. Because when you tell someone something it takes so long and the person that has to listen to it they would probably almost fall asleep and to be fair I would feel sorry them. So next time when you guys write a story try use show not tell it will 1 make you’re writing better and sound better and 2 the reader that obviously reads it will get hooked into the story and same will you. Here's a screen shot of my writing with show not tell.

1 comment:

  1. Thats great work love the way you used the show not tell i that stright away I knew what it was
